Car Painted With Black 2.0

Vantablack paint has been around since 2014, but it wasn't applied to a vehicle until this year. This is as dark as they come and it plays tricks on the mind as it erases all contour from an image. It quite literally creates a black hole out of an image that defies everything we have ever known.

We have compiled a list of things you might be interested to learn about this mysterious paint. It has officially entered the world of cars and as a consumer, it is your right to know what the world has in store for this product. Keep reading to learn ten things you should know about Vantablack car paint!

10 10. It is the Darkest Black Pigment in the World

This is literally the darkest pigment on Earth and it almost seems to suck the life right out of us. You have never laid eyes on something this profoundly black and now there is no going back.

The scientists behind this atrocity have created the impossible and we wonder if there is any possibility to stretch the limits even further. Our minds are already blown, but that doesn't mean the fun has to end there as we explore what exactly goes into making the darkest pigment known to man.

9 9. It Was Licensed for Artistic Use

It was created by Surrey Nanosystems, but Anish Kapoor was the one to monopolize it for the artist industry. He owns the only rights to the substance as it pertains to artwork, and that left several others in the trade quite unhappy. He created watches with the material, but other artists were quite upset at this arrangement and decided to take matters into their own hands.

A man named Stuart Semple created a color he called The Pinkest Pink and said everyone could buy it except for Anish Kapoor, even though he got his hands on it anyways. Semple has then gone on to create several kickstarts to create a substance darker than Vantablack and we have yet to see his results.

8 8. It Was Originally Designed for Use in Space

This product was originally developed to be used to aid in space exploration and it made its debut back in 2016 aboard the Kent Ridge 1. This paint was a gamechanger for the project as it gave the device better capabilities to track its position based on nearby stars.

It minimizes light interference that helps create a more accurate tracking system like nothing the world has ever seen before. It has enhanced our ability to explore realms beyond our reach and further our knowledge on what else is out there for us to explore.

7 7. The Pigment Uses Carbon Nanotubes

A carbon nanotube consists of cylindrical molecules of carbon atoms that can be rolled into multilayer sheets. They use a vertically aligned nanotube array that creates a forest-like environment on a micro-scale.

The light, otherwise known as photons, enter this forest and bounce along the tubes until they lose all heat and energy. There is no way for these photons to escape, which is why this product has reached such an extreme black coloring. It is amazing to see it in person, but the science behind its creation is arguably even more remarkable.

6 6. It Makes Objects Look Two-Dimensional

The objects painted with this paint lose their three-dimensional shape and begin to look two-dimensional. It is almost as if the contours and lines of the face pictured above no longer exist as they were sucked into oblivion.

We hope no one ever figures out how to make this into a clothing line as it will change the game of thievery forever in terms of their escape. This image shows the extent the paint has on an object and it is truly remarkable we have come this far in our experimentation with pigments.

5 5. It Has No Reflection

This substance literally has no reflection, which is what makes it so unique. This is what makes it so desirable, especially to space communities where light can affect their results. It is almost impossible to see due to this feature and is one of the main reasons why the contours of objects seem to disappear when they are painted this color. It strips them of their identity as the reflection we use to identify corners seemingly disappears before our very eyes under the constraint of the carbon nanotubes.

4 4. It Absorbs 99.965% of Light

This paint actually is capable of absorbing 99.965% of light, while the color used on BMW's car could only absorb 99%. The main difference between this and the color black is that Vantablack is a substance, not just a color.

It is considered its own entity and material as its nanotubes are constantly working to give it this unique pigment. This substance is unaffected by water and has a high tolerance to outside forces. It is like nothing else you have ever seen or heard of before which is why this is such a highly sought after product in many avenues of industry.

3 3. They Painted a BMW X6 With It

The BMW X6 was recently painted in Vantablack for the 2019 Frankfurt Motor Show. It is currently being showcased in a room with strange lighting and subtle fog to make it seem like it hopped straight out of the future. It is a strange sight to see as the car almost seems to fade into the background of the room.

They left the lights and the grill untouched, but it only adds to the magic as they seem to appear to float in space. They even used a version of this paint that reflects 1% more light back at its user, but to the naked eye, it makes little difference.

2 2. It Will Not Go Into Production

You are probably worried how this will affect night driving as putting a basically invisible car on a dark roadway seems irresponsible. Luckily. BMW agrees with you which is why this color car will never go into production.

It would be much too dangerous for oncoming traffic, and even in the daylight, it would fail to stand out enough to be seen by other drivers. We understand the want to drive a car as cool as this, but safety always trumps beauty and it should continue to remain that way.

1 1. Companies Plan to Use it on Headsup Displays or Camera Lenses

It is obvious that BMW didn't paint it onto their car for nothing, but instead have bigger plans in store for this product. They see the potential in it for their headsup displays and other reflective surfaces inside of the vehicle that can be distracting for drivers.

The Vantablack paint would cut down on the reflections and give drivers a better view of the roadway, as well as reduce glares off of devices within the car. The touchpad screens many vehicles have upgraded to would be helped immensely if they found some way to attach Vantablack to these surfaces.

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About The Author

Rebecca O'Neill (105 Articles Published)

Rebecca O'Neill is a reader and writer based in Ohio, near the heart of the CLE. She enjoys playing a wide variety of video games and spending time with her husband and son when she's not writing.

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Car Painted With Black 2.0


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