How to Open Pkg File in Windows 7

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I was asked to download MS Office 2016 which is no big deal - except that in this particular case, it is in a .pkg file format. A .pkg is for the mac OS and I'm not able to open it in a Windows 7 OS.

I have searched Google for solutions and everything that I have tried (7-zip, Winrar & Winzip) does not help. Am I up the creek without a paddle or is there a way to extract a .pkg file in windows so that I can finish the MS Office installation?

starg33ker This person is a Verified Professional
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Nov 9, 2015 at 14:35 UTC

You downloaded Office for Mac, which will not work with Windows. There is no way around this.

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13 Replies


I think you've answered your own question sir.

Can you not just re-download the file?

JoeWilliams This person is a Verified Professional
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Nov 9, 2015 at 14:26 UTC

EBS Computer Services is an IT service provider.

You've downloaded the wrong version.

starg33ker This person is a Verified Professional
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Nov 9, 2015 at 14:35 UTC

You downloaded Office for Mac, which will not work with Windows. There is no way around this.

Colts This person is a Verified Professional
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Nov 9, 2015 at 14:44 UTC

Ooops.. wrong file.  Just download the right one now.


starg33ker wrote:

You downloaded Office for Mac, which will not work with Windows. There is no way around this.

Yes, I was afraid that was going to be the answer. My boss ordered MS Office for mac and asked me to install it on a Windows device.

Indignified wrote:

I think you've answered your own question sir.

Can you not just re-download the file?

Re-downloading the file does nothing.

Edwin_Eekelaers wrote:

Read this & if after it still ain't working give a shout

I tried this and it appears they have a paid and free version. Since I am not paying, I tried the free version. The free version will not allow me to extract the contents because it exceeds the limitations.

Ahhhh... boss ordered wrong flavor. NICE!

Ross42. This person is a Verified Professional
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Nov 9, 2015 at 14:54 UTC

If he bought Office for Mac, he should have paid more attention to what he was buying. Unfortunately there's no way to install it.

JoeWilliams This person is a Verified Professional
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Nov 9, 2015 at 15:08 UTC

EBS Computer Services is an IT service provider.

Ctrl Alt Oops wrote:

starg33ker wrote:

You downloaded Office for Mac, which will not work with Windows. There is no way around this.

Yes, I was afraid that was going to be the answer. My boss ordered MS Office for mac and asked me to install it on a Windows device.

Indignified wrote:

I think you've answered your own question sir.

Can you not just re-download the file?

Re-downloading the file does nothing.

Edwin_Eekelaers wrote:

Read this & if after it still ain't working give a shout

I tried this and it appears they have a paid and free version. Since I am not paying, I tried the free version. The free version will not allow me to extract the contents because it exceeds the limitations.

Even if you extract the files from the PKG, you're not going to be able to use them to install the software on Windows.

He's bought the wrong version. There is no trick to make it work.


Interesting that someone spiced this down...showing -1

anyways...thanks for the responses, much appreciate it! I'll let my boss know he purchased the wrong version.



Ctrl Alt Oops wrote:

Interesting that someone spiced this down...showing -1

anyways...thanks for the responses, much appreciate it! I'll let my boss know he purchased the wrong version.


That means "n" people spiced it and "(n+2)" people spiced it down. At least 2 people spiced down because you start with 1. (Please don't take this personally, I'm trying to state my opinion without being too harsh) I was someone that spiced it down and the reason I did so is because I don't think that this topic would be helpful to most IT pros in the future so I wanted the spice-score to reflect that because most people understand that Mac products won't work on Windows and vice-versa which is true in most situations.


BirdLaw wrote:

That means "n" people spiced it and "(n+2)" people spiced it down. At least 2 people spiced down because you start with 1. (Please don't take this personally, I'm trying to state my opinion without being too harsh) I was someone that spiced it down and the reason I did so is because I don't think that this topic would be helpful to most IT pros in the future so I wanted the spice-score to reflect that because most people understand that Mac products won't work on Windows and vice-versa which is true in most situations.

All good! I learned something new today...and as dumb as it sounds, I didn't know that .pkg files could not be extracted in a Windows os. Apparently, my boss was not paying careful attention himself. Oh well, we're only human!
Brendan Pitstop NZ

yes. its a bit like putting diesel in your petrol car and wondering why it doesn't run well - or at all.

your boss made a mistake and tried to make it your problem. silly.

and you have wasted your time asking on here how to get your car running on diesel. waste of everyones time

hence I have also spiced it down.

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How to Open Pkg File in Windows 7


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